
Monday, April 1, 2013

Ugliest Card Ever Blog Hop

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 Its April Fool Day! So, as Suzanne said get your UGLY ON! 
Not a problem I have many to choose from , 
but this is the one I pick!

 Suzanne from the Yard card is having a very fun blog hop that will.. …I am sorry just make you laugh! So I chose this card Here I only posted it because I was hoping to win by a random pick. After all I worked so hard on it. After I posted it I was so embarrassed.  I am a big girl, so go ahead and tell me 
you agree with me. I have no idea what I was thinking when I went ahead and posted this one. 
This is a fun post because it just makes me laugh. I hope I do not offend anyone as I make comments on you cards, just know that I agree with you and know you make much better cards than the one you will be posting. 
And here I am posting it again!!!!!


  1. This is such fun. I've been chuckling all morning. I still think mine is the most ugly... At least yours has a nice 'manly' look to it. Happy April Fool's day. Bev

  2. Super fun. I don't think it is as bad as you think, but I will honestly say that I have seen cuter cards from you!

  3. Now it's not THAT bad Marybeth...not your best...but not THAT bad ~ the frame is really pretty!!! You know I luv ya anyway ;)

  4. Were you going with the Hart/Heart pun?

  5. I'm laughing, too - from how you're describing everything. ;-) I have a gazillion 'uglies' I could share, and not just from my early days! It's been fun to see what everyone considers to be their ugly cards today. It's hard for me to think your card is ugly, though, with that beautiful Ocean Tides and chocolate brown on it - that's a combo that gives me an instant 'like' reaction! ;-)

    I guess I should find and post one of my uglies, but I have precious little time today, so I'm spending it making comments instead! Yes, I'm taking the easy way out - LOL. Thanks for the giggle today. ;-)

  6. This is the FUNNIEST and most fun blog hop EVER! I'm sure you had something in mind when you made that card! And thought you were very clever!

  7. This is just the funniest day! I love those deer and their bodies cut in half...just goes to show you not all of our creative ideas pan out, luckily you have made some knock-down gorgeous cards and I think you can totally forget about the very few you don't like.

  8. Not ugly, but i will say that your card repitoire has really grown into one fabulous creation after another.

  9. I am having too much with, I have to say your colors are perfect- I have a special purple and green one!! Love all the images, haven't we all grown in our card making skills!!

  10. OK Marybeth here it goes...
    that prize must have been a good one! :)
    That's all I'm gonna say because I know that you can make gorgeous cards...
    and look how far you've come since this one?
    I have loved seeing these cards today...
    knowing that I'm in good company with the uglies! :)

  11. I think your half milk, half dark chocolate deer are lovely! It's great that we all have these lurking in our closets!

  12. Ah, dang, Marybeth, I would never have believed you made this ugly card! Your current work is so pristine and so beautiful, but that's great because it shows just how excellent we can become with practice and passion and polish! Hmm, the three pees of card artistry!

  13. HAHAHAHA! Okay, I am agreeing with Darnell. That is not pretty. It is SO not you, Marybeth! Why are the deer disappearing before my eyes? Heee. And the random keys? I am seriously LOL right now!

  14. Okay I am back. Like I am CRYING laughing at your original post. You just seemed so apologetic, gigggggle!

  15. You really crack me up, Marybeth! I don't know which is funnier, today's post saying you only posted it hoping for a random win or your original post trying to explain why you didn't like it!!! As Kelly said, the large keys and the disappearing deer are definitely not you! Even though everything on this card is so evenly stamped and assembled, it just does come close to the gorgeous beauties that you create on a regular basis now!!

  16. This fun blog hop has been a lesson in humility. It's only right that we can laugh at ourselves and see how far we have come.

    Thanks for your comment on my "ugly" card. I think we ALL have those projects that we aren't especially proud of. So your deer are walking into the frame? Just checking. LOL. You crack me up, Marybeth!

  17. It's not that bad for CAS. Not sure where the deer come in with hearts & keys, but we all have these cards hidden somewhere. I'm sure I've got a few.

  18. Well, it's not good. LOL! This hop is a riot.

  19. LOL...your post is too funny! But, I actually do like your card! Love those dear, the keys and the sentiment! Hehehe...sounds like a fun challenge!

  20. How can anyone who participated in this blog hop take offense when others laugh at our humble beginnings?! It's good to look back and laugh at ourselves, and realize how far we've come since the days of dual-toned belly bands around reindeer :) This is too funny - thanks for being brave enough to share it........twice :)

  21. And I just told Lynn Mercurio that her worm card wins! So much fun and the laughing is just so therapeutic!

  22. I'm with you Marybeth - I thought this was a fab idea but then started to go around and leave comments and was dumbstruck - so hard to be a diplomat. I see where you were going with this one - maybe a redo would be cool to see as well! Wish I'd gotten my post up in time - son had the day off and I couldn't sneak away. I have lots and lots to share here too!

  23. Oh, Marybeth! I am laughing. I think the dark brown deer butts are what grab me first, but then I see the keys...and think...oh, I dunno. Bless you! Have you given this card to anyone? Can you please send it to me? :) Thanks for linking up!!


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