
Thursday, June 20, 2013

ColourQ & CAS(E) this Sketch

My husband just informed me this looked like a street light and he did not like it! At least he is honest?

Hi, back with a quick post for today. I managed to make one card for 2 challenges not something I do too often because I find it a bit difficult . Maybe the red was a bit much not sure what I think yet. I did forget to stamp the flowers but then it might have been as CAS
 for CAS(E)
 I am so thankful my son in law is back from the fires, he has been gone for over two weeks. Everyone missed him! My daughter has handled the 6 kids alone! I would not make it! My husband always helped out with the kids as soon as he walked in the door each day, he knew I needed a break, even though he was tired too.
Take Care!

Papertrey Ink Paper, dies are from Lovely Layers the Stamp is from PTI  anniversary set,bling from craft store and Lil Inkers stitched rectangles.( I know I use them way to much)


  1. Marybeth,your card is very cheerful! Love the colors and the jewels in the center of the flowers.

  2. Beautiful Marybeth as always, gosh I love those stitched mats. I could use them on every card I make these days.

  3. Well I think it's pretty, what do men know anyway LOL!!! So happy your son in law is home safe and sound.

  4. Lovely card, Marybeth, I don't think it looks like a traffic light at all, but then flowers would be much prettier than lights! I do love the stitched mat. So happy your sil is safe. Sorry to hear he is fighting the fires, they are everywhere this summer. Have a fabulous Friday and weekend.

  5. Forgot to thank you for playing with us at the colourQ.

  6. I'm happy for you that your son returned home safe!
    And I admire his wife who had to take of their children all by herself!
    (6 !!)
    Well as for your card, ha, ha.
    I Iove how you placed the sentiment in this layout and I took a looooong look at your flowers, but I'm sorry, I couldn't make street lights out of them!
    That's probably the reason why you have your own blog with beautiful creations and he doesn't. :-)
    I also took a look at the other participants in the Challenge, but yours was definitely the one that caught my eye!!
    So I think your choice of red is just perfect!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Bye from the Netherlands,


  7. Very pretty card. The flowers are so cute and those stitched rectangles are my favorite. :)

  8. Good to hear that your sil has safely returned home. Must have been a difficult time for the whole family. This is a happy card! Personally, I love the red, it's just cheerful. And I don't mind that the flowers aren't stamped--it's different (in a good way)! Send your DH over to Hannelie's Desert Diva blog...he'll chuckle! Have a great weekend. Bev

  9. This definitely does not look like a street light! It's a beautiful card with lovely flowers and bling! Thanks for joining us at colourQ!

  10. Guys are always SO literal!! Love your pretty flowers and the bright colors Marybeth.

    glad to hear your SIL has come home safely - don't know how your daughter handled 6 slone!!

  11. Love the flow you made from having the alternating leaves on your flowers, Marybeth! The melon on the red is such a cheery combination. So happy to hear your daughter has her husband back safe and sound!

  12. Marybeth this is so pretty and looks noting like a stop light, you have the wrong color bling. But really this is one beautiful birthday card. Happy to hear your son in law is home safe and I can not even imagine taking card of 6 children single handed, your daughter must be one amazing mom!

  13. I like the red background with the colors in the flowers. Very pretty sentiment too. So glad your SIL is home safe, PTL! I like that your husband had an opinion, it means he cares.

  14. Love the bright colors and the bling in the centers! So glad to hear your daughter has her hubby back and the family is all together.

  15. Well, of course, now I see a stop light, but if it is a stop light, Marybeth, it's the prettiest I've ever seen! That's prolly what they would look like if women were in charge of all these things!

    I'm delighted to hear your SIL made it home safe. He's a hero, and so is your daughter!!

  16. Hope you're recuperating well ;) All I can say is I WISH stoplights looked like that!

  17. I think it's pretty, too. I don't see 'stoplight' at all. But I can see how a man would - even my little boys lives life in terms of CARS and all things auto related! Glad to hear your SIL is back, and bless your daughter's heart! I don't know how she does it with 6 for two weeks. I would be DOA.

  18. So pretty Marybeth!! I love the colors and pretty blooms!

  19. Oh, the honesty of husbands. We've been trying a lot of new recipes (I'm bored of the ones I always make), and sometimes I wonder why I ask him what he thinks. I want the truth, and then I don't. I wouldn't have thought of a traffic light for this card, though. :) Love the bright colors and the CAS feel. So glad your son-in-law is home safe and sound. Bless your sweet's amazing and wonderful that she is able to take care of 6 children even when her husband is home. Kudos to her!

  20. Great card! I really like your take on that photo. Fabulous!

  21. LOVE the colorful flowers on your card, Marybeth. Not sure I see the "street light" :)Thank God your SIL is home and safe from fighting those fires...I'm sure your daughter is very relieved and happy he's home too.

  22. Doesn't look like a street light to me...MEN!!! Your card is very pretty!

    How relieved you must feel, knowing that your SIL is now safely home with your DD and her children. Such brave men, fighting those terrible fires...God Bless Them All! xx


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Take care.