
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

So Much Fun Making This Card

 with Erin

 I had so much fun using this  City Scene Stamp Set Its been siting on my desk for a while . It's not perfect and to be honest my scrap paper scene was a bit better.  You can clearly seen some mistakes but I liked it enough.
 When I was doing the trees I thought it was funny that the set only had winter trees without leaves, so I decided to use the snow for leaves.  Then I see that there was a solid tree ( like I have stamped in the corner of the card. ) I stamped the snow leaves with two greens and then layered with some embossed green . I enjoyed stamping today , what a fun set with tons of possibilities . 

 I only used one set for this card! All Papertrey Ink!
Happy Fat Tuesday!


  1. I can see one layers are no problem for you. Love this sweet scene you created. How clever to make the snow stamp do double duty!

  2. What a fabulous use of this stamp set Marybeth. I love the wee scene you created, the trees are wonderful, what a great idea using the snow for leaves, so delicate.

  3. I didn't even realize this was one layer many different things to look at! I love the color combination you used...really cute card!

  4. Really great scene you created there...must put this stamp on my wish list!

  5. This is a great scene and I love your trees done with the snow stamp in green! Very clever!

  6. This is a fabulous scene, and great one layer card. I love it, and wish I had thought to use this set. Well, the week's not over yet. Love your new blog look, too. When did that happen?

  7. Looks so FUN! I wish I have that set. Your card looks Fantastic!!!

  8. I love the way you laid this out Marybeth, so cute!! And what a clever girl using what you had on hand to make the trees come to life!

  9. Ooooooh you take one layer to a whole new level! This is fabulous Marybeth! I have never used this set but for Christmas cards, now I want to get it out and play again!

  10. Great card! I love the way you did the leaves on the trees, they look very spring-like.

  11. This set is on my wish list - LOVE the ink colors you used and the clever snow "leaves"!

  12. Beautifully done, Marybeth! I love this city scene you created and the trees you made are so pretty, I like them better that the solid one from the set ;)

  13. Awesome card--especially wonderful as a one layer design.! The building colors look fabulous and I love your creative trees.

  14. Haven't gotten to the video yet, but you must have been inspired as this is a wonderful card, Marybeth! Love using the snow to make the trees work for summer--so creative & it looks fabulous!

  15. Awesome card, Marybeth! I have this set but it has yet to see any ink. :( I think I need to pull it out and use it. Thank you for the inspiration. :)

  16. This is such a neat card. I love the way you created that scene, especially the trees.

  17. Beautiful scene- I LOVE those trees!

  18. I like your card. I don't have that stamp set because it scared me. Need to rethink it now.

  19. SO beautiful! Like a painting! Great job Marybeth! Now I want this set again :)!

  20. Love it! And actually the snow stamped trees are my favorite. Fabulous idea!

  21. Marybeth this is just so gorgeous--well done!

  22. Way cool card!! Love the scene you created and the texture on the trees is awesome!

  23. What a cool card !! Love the amazing scene you created, feel like going there, sit in the patio n enjoy an
    Amazing meal ;)

  24. Darling scene and I LOVE how you stamped leaves on your trees! Clever!

  25. LOVE LOVE LOVE the look of this Marybeth! Such a great look for the trees too~

  26. What a brilliant scene, Mary Beth ... love those awesome spring trees! Anita :)

  27. Beautifully done! And I love how you made the trees! This is one of the sets on my wish list! :)

  28. OMG! What a card...I love your sweet little scene and I am still in awe that it is only one layer, this is amazing!

  29. Marybeth, this is so sweet! Love this fun city scene!

  30. I forgot that I have that set. It is waiting to be used and now I have some inspiration. I love the way your city scene came out. I hope to make one for someone who just moved into their first apartment and I think that this is perfect!!!!! Love the colors, too.

  31. Really love this set! I know there's a ton of untapped potential in it. Your card is a great example ... I haven't seen one like this. A really great scene! And yes, don't you hate it when you're more happy with your scratch paper version of a card?!

  32. Absolutely FAB card!
    I've bought this set too, but haven't had time to play with it yet, but I just love the laout, the sun, the colorcombo, the trees ( great find btw!!)
    Suitable for a lot of occasions!



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