
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother’s Day

I hope you all have a beautifully blessed day!

I was blessed to be able to spend the day with my mom and dad yesterday. We went to Mass and then out to dinner and it was a wonderful visit. I am one of nine children. Thanks mom and dad for my gift of faith. Love you!

   I found some time to get in my craft room and make this quick envelope wrap. I used Stitches & Swirls Stamp Set andPapertrey Ink - Wine Bottle Tag Die. I heat embossed with three colors. I used Versa Mark then just lightly added random powder then heat embossed all  the same time. 

Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Your envelope wrap is stunning. That set looks so amazing heat embossed, especially with the multiple colors.

    So glad you were able to spend some time with your parents.

  2. Love your envie wrap with these stamps...they look so pretty embossed like this.
    What a great photo of your beautiful Mom, Marybeth. You are so Blessed to be able to spend the day with your folks.

  3. Marybeth, this turned out absolutely beautiful. I will have to try that with my Stitches & Swirls. Nice to be able to spend time with mom and dad. Happy Mother's Day to You...

  4. Happy Mother's Day Marybeth! Such a beautiful card! Love the embossed detail! Looks amazing! Beautiful photo of your Mom :)

  5. Happy Mother's Day my friend! LOVE the different colors on your embossing! Clever! And LOVE that you spent time with Mom! Enjoy YOUR day!

  6. Beautiful job with your enevelope really does look like stiching. Glad you had a nice day with your folks. You have a beautiful Mother. Happy Mother's day to you.

  7. Happy Mother's Day, Marybeth! This is so pretty, love the faux stitched look!

  8. Love this envelope wrap, your Mom is beautiful, a gift she gave you my friend. Happy Mother's Day! <3

  9. Oh, I love your take on the MIM challenge! It's gorgeous!
    And your mother must be someone special! She looks very elegant and she's got a sweet smile. :-)
    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's day, I know I had. :-)
    Thanks for your sweet and funny comments on my blog, I just couldn't stop laughing when I read the one about the cute pink foxy lady, ha, ha, you really made my day!


  10. Marybeth...what a sweet mom you have! How fun to spend the day with her and your dad. I love your envelope wrap and those stamps really make it shine! Happy Mother's Day!

  11. A beautiful card and a beautiful mother! How blessed you are to still have her and your dad with you. I hope you've spent some time today with your own children and grandchildren too. Happy Mother's Day, Marybeth.

  12. What a Gorgeous card Marybeth!!! I love this with the envelope wrap <3. Oh...Happy Mother's Day Marybeth!

  13. Happy Mother's Day Marybeth!! Your mom is so pretty and must be very proud of you and the way you use their gift. Your envelope wrap is wonderful, love the embossing!

  14. Love the picture of your mom, and I just noticed that you have a new picture of yourself up. What a beautiful envelope wrap you created. I was wondering how you got those multi colors embossed. Every time I see you use Stitches and Swirls, I am happy that I own that set, and then I try to use it and it never comes out as good as yours. I think I'm going to case one of your many cards I have pinned.

  15. First, I love your new profile picture! You are beautiful...inside and out! Fabulous job with the MIM...great stamp set to use for that always come up with great ideas with it...I do not have that, but my BFF does, will have to try some of your ideas in two weeks when I will be spending a few days with her! Glad you were able to spend some time with your mom and dad and give thanks to God for all your blessings! My mom passed away 7 years ago and I sure do miss her!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  16. Sweet, sweet envie wrap. Your mom is lovely! So glad you had a lovely day!

  17. Love the envelope wrap, ur mom is beautiful, hope u had a great Mother's Day !

  18. I love this wrap for your envelope. So pretty to matchthe card. This is a gorgeous stamp and I love the embossing powder on it. Your mother is lovely and you look like her.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I love it when you do!
Take care.