
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Two Cards After The Fire

 Two cards today and one for MIM

 I loved this Botanical Blocks Stamp Set and I have to say I love the way this card turned out. I don't say that too often.
 The  Thinking of You is from Stamps by Judith . Sequins from Pretty Pink Posh.

My top card uses this sketch turned on its side.
I also forgot to add that I used the Papertrey Ink 
Ice cream cone  die for my pie scrap.

 My first Card for MIM I got wrong.
 I think I have this one  done correctly!

I used Propose a Toast Stamp and die from Papertrey Ink,Soft Stone cardstock and sequins from Pretty Pink Posh.

Helo my sweet friends, so many of you asked me how I was because of the fire. The Rancho Cucamonga Etiwanda fire was  my neighborhood . We are all fine after a very emotional and crazy day yesterday. Thank you!

 This what we saw from our front door.
 Everyone is fine, but it was scary.


  1. Oh My Gosh, Marybeth, how very scary for that fire to be so close. Happy you are safe~it must have been a very upsetting and emotional day for you and your neighbors! Thanks for letting us know you are okay.
    PS: I LOVE both of your amazing cards so much (the Botanical Blocks Stamp Set on my wish list now) :-) The pie chart card looks so pretty with those yummy scraps!

  2. Prayers of thanksgiving that you all are safe. I can't begin to imagine what you've gone through, but I also pray that this is all past. You can have some of our rain, if you want! Your cards are gorgeous, and quite therapeutic at such a time. Love those little champagne glasses. Beautiful colors in your "pie." Bev

  3. I can't imagine how scary that must have been to see that fire so close from your front door, but so glad to hear that you are ok! We just never know what each day holds for us, do we?! (probably best we don't!!)

    Both of your cards are so pretty! I told myself I didn't "NEED" the flower block stamp set, but sure am wishing I had ordered it...your card is absolutely beautiful! And your pie chart card is delightful too! (I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't read directions too carefully sometimes!)

  4. So glad that you are back home and safe my friend. I was very worried about you. Both of your cards are fabulous, great job with the colours and your pie is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing with us at the colourQ!

  5. Thanks be to God Marybeth, you were in my prayers. Scary photos. PRETTY cards today! Great job on the MIM technique and that sunflower is amazing! Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ!

  6. fabulous use of sequins! thanks so much for sharing your cards with us at the Curtain Call, Marybeth!

  7. so glad that you are all okay and didn't lose your house or friends!

    Your cards are the gold embossing you die with the Botanical Block set!

  8. Thank God things are better in your neighborhood. The photos are frightening!
    Your beautiful card with sunflower is so Marybeth. Clean, elegant, shows off that stamp (which I haven't even used yet!) to it's max! And the sweet blue one toasting with bubbles made me smile. Lovely and in no way scrappy!

  9. I still cannot believe those pictures. Yikes. So very happy to hear that you and all your loved ones are well. And, you are crafting again, so that is another good thing. Your first card is just gorgeous. I love the gold embossing with those deep rich colors. And, your MIM is so cute and perfect. The sequins are fabulous bubbles.

  10. So Frightening...So glad you are okay...

    Your cards are really lovely...Could not pick a favorite...but are so creative and well done!

  11. These are both fabulous. I love the bubbles coming out of the glasses on the second one.

    That's crazy about that fire. So glad you're okay.

  12. First of all, I'm so thankful you are safe! I've thought of you and prayed for you often. And then there's the cards! WOW! That first one is GORGEOUS! And I love the colors in the second one and the frame for your pie! The champagne glasses are so elegant!

  13. Oh my goodness, Marybeth! I didn't realize that was your neighborhood--scary beyond belief! So glad you're OK. I now HAVE to have the botanical blocks set as your card is another all-time favorite! How many can I have--maybe I should just say Marybeth's work is my all-time favorite!

  14. Wow! So very scary! Happy to here all is well with you and your family! Such pretty cards! Love the beautiful blossom on the first and the fancy design on the second!

  15. Wow! That would be very scary to have that so close! I'm happy to hear that you're OK! Your cards are so pretty. Love the flower with gold embossing and the second card is lovely with great design!

  16. That is scary and thank you God you are safe!

    Your work is beautiful as always! Keep on inspiring!

  17. glad u r safe!

    absolutely beautiful cards. i just love that flower! simply gorgeous!

  18. so glad that you and your family are okay, marybeth! your cards are just gorgeous!!

  19. So glad to hear that you are all fine. Scary...
    Love both of your cards. I haven't gotten Botanical Blocks stamp set yet but it's on my list. Your card is beautiful.

  20. I can't even imagine how terrifying this must be for you and your family. I pray that you are all safe. Now your cards are just stunning, I love, love, love that sunflower! I passed on getting that and after seeing your card could just kick myself, this is simply amazing! And your scraps card too, so sweet and so perfect for an anniversary, just so romantic.

  21. The first card is just stunning Marybeth! It was scary listening to the news reports and know that they couldn't fight the fire from the air - so thankful things have calmed down.

  22. Beautiful creations. I love all the dimension and your creative designs! Truly inspirational.

  23. Oh my goodness! I am so glad to hear you are fine. It is amazing that you are able to create such amazing projects under this kind of stress!!

    I LOVE both your cards. Yeah for your new Pie chart card it is over the top perfect!!


  24. Marybeth, little did you know your firey red and brilliant flower would be so timely with what happened! OMG, I am so sorry you had this horrible scare and I am so relieved that all is well!! I can't even imagine the panic I would feel. I also adore your champagne design!! Have a great weekend ... thankfully, it is supposed to cool off a lot! Hugs, Darnell

  25. OMGOSH, didn't know about the fire! Thank goodness you are okay! LOVE the first flower! Absolutely AWESOME! The toast one is so Pretty, too!

  26. How scary! Glad you and your family were safe.
    Love both cards, Marybeth! Your anniversary card is utterly amazing!

  27. So glad to know you are safely back home and able to spend some time in your crafty space.That was a terrible scare!! Both cards are gorgeous.The flower colors are stunning and your MIM design is fabulous!

  28. So glad you are safe. Those photos really show how scary it must have been.

    I think both your cards are really fabulous - the sunflower is so beautiful and I adore the bubbles on the anniversary card. xx

  29. That fire looks way too close for comfort Marybeth - glad to hear all is ok. Both cards just beautiful - the bloom looks amazing with all that embossing. Thanks for playing along at Colour Q!

  30. Oh I'm so happy to hear that everything is alright after that fire! That would be so scary! We've had quite a few fires in our area this year too. Your first card is stunning! I've seen it on Pinterest many times! If it were mine I would say I loved it too ;) The second one is gorgeous too! Love the pretty shades of blue and stamps and dies you chose for this technique! Looks so intriguing!

  31. So glad you're OK, Marybeth! I feel so bad for those who lost their homes :( Both of your cards are really gorgeous, I particularly love the card you made for MIM, it's FANTASTIC!!

  32. It looks very very scary, so glad to hear you are safe. Wonderful cards!

  33. hello Mary Beth
    it looks realy scary and so sad for the ones who lost their homes.
    there are always things which are not replaceble.
    i am glad to hear that you are alright.
    your both cards have an elegant design and the flower is so beautiful.
    have a nice week and hugs to you.

  34. WOW!! LOVING your cards first off!! AWESOME I fact!! I can't even pick a FAVORITE because I LOVE them both!! ;) THANK Goodness you and your family and home are all okay!! Stay safe!! ;)

  35. Thanks to God, I am glad to know you and ur family are all fine, this looks so terrifying. It was good that you got back to crafting, it acts as a stress buster, your cards are amazing as always !

  36. This is way to close for comfort. I'm so glad you are fine and escaped any of the fire. These things are so very sad for the people involved and my heart goes out to them. These two cards are beautiful. The gold embossing sure sets that card off.

  37. Those pictures are still so shocking. I'm am SO glad you are all okay. And that this last weekend was relaxing and enjoyable. Your cards are fantastic. I can't believe you were able to create them after such a stressful day. I especially love the propose a toast card....I was thinking the ice cream cone die would work great for this technique.

  38. Your cards are wonderful! Love the embossing on the first and the soft colors on the second one. The fire pictures are very scary! Glad you are all okay!


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