
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Bye, Bye Birdie

Hello and welcome to the 12 Kits of Occasions. This months kit was sent to us from  Sharron ...On Papillon Wings... Thank you so much Sharron I’ve never had so much fun with birds before. 

We are also introducing a new member to our team. A very talented and kind crafter that some of you already know:
Please welcome : Michele Ferguson


I made lots of cards and each one is very different from the next.

If you are new to the 12 Kits, just click on the link at the top and you can read all about it.
 As you can see Sharron has sent us some beautiful patterned paper with wonderful colors and birds of all sizes. 
We have a guest designer with us today Tanya Butler Taunya won the contest last month.  Welcome Taunya! 

Sharron -(Our host )
 Michele   (Welcome)


  1. Great cards! I especially love the shaker card! :)

  2. Each and every card a charm! So much fun! Thank you for your welcome...
    =] Michele

  3. Bird heaven! Delightful way to start a morning. Love the white birds against the green bg. Honestly love them all!

  4. Such a variety of prettiness today Marybeth! Funny thing, the moment I came to your blog a BUCH of little birds flew to our fence and starting chirping a chorus!! I'm looking forward to spring and hearing much more of that! Fabulous cards today, enjoy your weekend!

  5. You get A pluses all around for your makes from this gorgeous kit by Sharron, Marybeth!! I love every one and can think of how I could CASE your designs on each - a true compliment!! Hugs, Darnell

  6. You get A pluses all around for your makes from this gorgeous kit by Sharron, Marybeth!! I love every one and can think of how I could CASE your designs on each - a true compliment!! Hugs, Darnell

  7. You are right, they are all so different, but each one is wonderful in its own way!

  8. WOW - These are all Amazing in their own way! How you you find the time to create so many fabulous cards -super impressed!

  9. Oh, Marybeth, these are all so fantastic--love every one! And how wonderful to see how different they are--love your great designs. Can't wait to do some CASEing! I think I'll start with the music notes for a birthday card. Yours is SO sweet!

  10. Holy cow, Marybeth. So many cards, all so different, yet all so fabulous. I really love the one with the embossing folder and all the white birds. Such a fabulous scene, and it looks like those products were made for each other. Love the way you used all those embellies on your first card, too.

  11. You are a cardmaking rock star!!! Love the things you created using the wonderful kit that was put together by Sharron!! I really love all the texture you added by layers of the yummy designer papers, or embossed backgrounds or just some of the delightful embellishments!! I was at a loss of how to use the beach/marsh birds!! But you amazed me with the greatness of your card - love that gorgeous green background!!! And last but certainly not least is the great way you made your shaker card - delightful!! Love that you did not color the birds - that added to the softness that came from the colors and deigns in the paper!!! Super well done - and I am so excited to see your creations!!!!

  12. You are a cardmaking rock star!!! Love the things you created using the wonderful kit that was put together by Sharron!! I really love all the texture you added by layers of the yummy designer papers, or embossed backgrounds or just some of the delightful embellishments!! I was at a loss of how to use the beach/marsh birds!! But you amazed me with the greatness of your card - love that gorgeous green background!!! And last but certainly not least is the great way you made your shaker card - delightful!! Love that you did not color the birds - that added to the softness that came from the colors and deigns in the paper!!! Super well done - and I am so excited to see your creations!!!!

  13. Oh wow! You rocked this kit Marybeth! I love them all - the little birdie on the music notes is my fave! So many that are so clever and wonderful way to put the ingredients to list! I love the sparrows with all the embellies - looks so fussy, the shaker, and oh gosh.. that embossed one with the white birds! Stunning!

  14. Wow! What a wonderful assortment of cards! Love, love, love all those birds!

  15. I am in awe, Marybeth. All of your cards are just fabulous and so different. The embossed one blew me away but I also like the angle cuts one, something I've not seen before.

  16. Everyone of these cards are just so nicely done!

  17. I love the first one with the birdie singing happy birthday! The sweet chickadees with the decorated branches are gorgeous. And how about that sweet set of birds in the colorful shaker?! Love how you used so many of the awesome patterned papers from Sharron. So lovely, Marybeth!

  18. Amazing!!! I felt the same way with my cards...they were all so different. I'm glad I wasn't the only one. After looking at Tracey's little cohesive bunch I wondered if maybe I was. Oh, boy...where do I start? I pretty much want to make an exact replica of your first card. Love it. The paper, image, and sentiment on your love card could not have been a more perfect match...I just kept thinking "love is in the air" great. And I love that you turned the rounded top die on its side. I think you are the only one who thought to do that and it is brilliant.

  19. Marybeth, I just love ALL your cards! So detailed and pretty! I can't even choose a favorite--each one is unique and beautiful!

  20. What a lovely set of cards. All so different. Must have been fun creating them

  21. I have to agree with your other comments....these are just amazing. I love all the wonderful details you added to each card, it makes each one a little masterpiece! My favorite of the flock is your second card, the way you colored that pair of sweet birds is just so beautiful and all those branches and enamel dots, just stunning.

  22. Every card is so different...but oh so pretty, Marybeth! I love the first card with the great decorative edge and also I must be channeling Kim because I see she noticed all the little details with sequins and enamel dots. Those little details jumped right out at me too. You did such a good job with Sharrons kit!

  23. Marybeth so many beautiful cards in your 1 Kits post. I love the Mama Elephant frame, the embossing folder reeds, how you built your scenes and the shaker--just a few highlights. You always make the kits work magic!

  24. I'm sorry for leaving so many comments, but I love your cards!!! You are truly talented and have an eye for a true artist. So many of your cards blew me away. I have so many favorites! I love your unique ideas!!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a wonderful weekend and I am off to become your newest follower!


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Take care.