
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Blog Blitz & News Over At Poppystamps!

Hi! Big Blog Blitz going on over at poppystamps.  We are showcasing all the new products! Each day you will have a chance to win two dies because of two post a day. Comment on any post you hope to win. Big news: Poppystamps now sells stamps and matching dies!!!! Woo Hoo!
Please stop by and see my card on the poppystamps blog


  1. Love the scene you created! This is soo very cute:)

  2. What a fun card with the dog and is toy! Wonderful clouds in the background and love the sentiment!:-)

  3. Looks super cute, off to check it out!


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I love it when you do!
Take care.