
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

An Odd Mix Today

Good morning ! I hope all the mothers had a wonderful Mother’s Day! I had a beautiful one with a busy weekend. 
I have an odd mix for you today, A First Holy Communing card and a Softie. 

My grandson Jackson made his First Holy Communion on Saturday. I made a card very similar to this one last year. For this card I used a shimmer paper from Papertrey Ink . The stamps are all from Serendipity Stamps Bread and Chalice Cling Set

Back pocket of my first Softie I stamped  with Stitches & Swirls Stamp Set

Ok, this was my first Softie and I was not sure how to make the face. I needed to change her face ( after I was all done) I did the ears the same as the patches and I had the black part of the eyes in the center and all I saw was bloodshot wired animal. I was happy it was an easy fix. Cant wait to make more and get better at designing them.
I was dizzy all day yesterday ( I think is was sinus) I hate losing a whole day, much better now. I feel like I haven’t been online much for about 5 days. 
Thanks for the visit!

 I used Ultra Fine Gold ep4


  1. Lovely First Communion card. Congratulations to Jackson. Such a cute Softie.

  2. Your first communion card is gorgeous, and congratulations to Jackson. Love your very first Softie. It is adorable, and just the first of many, I am sure.

  3. Your card is gorgeous and your softie is cute beyond words.

  4. Congratulations to Jackson! We've had several little ones at Mass over the past few weeks receiving their First Holy Communion. So cute to watch their little faces. And they never know which way to go when they're finished. One little guy made a loop or two around a whole section of pews! SWEET little softie, I like the colors! So happy you had a lovely Mother's Day, but I kind of knew you would ;)

  5. A beautiful card Marybeth, and the Softie is awesome - I absolutely LOVE it !!
    Sylvia xx

  6. hi Mary Beth
    what a beautiful card for the Communion and the softie is so cute.
    great work as always.
    hugs from Anneke

  7. Oh my goodness!! That is SO cute Marybeth!! You did a beautiful job on the sewing!! Your cards is stunning too! I'm so glad you're feeling better! :)

  8. I don't think I've seen a communion card before! Wonderful that a stamp company has covered this subject! The gold embossing on the chalice makes it very special! Thanks for playing along with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  9. A beautiful First Communion card for your grandson! The little softie is just adorable! And, glad you are feeling better!:-)

  10. What a precious card. Love the touch of gold. Oh, I so would love to get the softie kit... too cute!

  11. What a beautiful First Communion card. I'm sure this will become a treasured memento of such a happy and sacred day for him. It is just lovely. And what a darling softie! I'll bet all of your little ones will soon be carrying these around! She makes me smile. Sorry to hear about your sinus troubles. That's what DH has been dealing with, and now a little reaction to the antibiotics for the infection. Just when he was starting to feel better. Z-Pac here we come! Hope you're feeling better today. Take good care. Bev

  12. I love your beautiful, classic style on your First Communion card! That little softie is adorable! I love that you stamped on it and the colors are great! Funny about those eyes, glad it was an easy fix!

  13. Beautiful Communion card for Jackson! And I love your softie too! Sorry you weren't feeling fun!!! Glad you are better today!

  14. So pretty, Marybeth! and a darling little snuggly Softie!
    =] Michele

  15. Beautiful first communion card, Marybeth! And your softie is just adorable! I bet you'll be making a lot more of these.

  16. Marybeth....your card is so beautiful and one I am sure will be saved and treasured. And your softie...just too darn cute and as sweet as can be. I love it!!! So sorry that you have been under the weather, hope you are feeling better now.

  17. Such a beautiful, serene card, Marybeth ... congratulations and blessings to Jackson on receiving his First Holy Communion ... such a special day for him and all the family! Sweet softie ... love those colours together! Hope you're feeling much better by now (as I'm late coming by!). Anita :)

  18. Such sweet projects! The card is lovely and that Softie is so very sweet. Thank you so much for playing along with us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!

  19. gorgeous Communion card Marybeth - but that softie... ADORABLE! SO clever your stamping with the Stitches and Swirls


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I love it when you do!
Take care.