
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Best Wishes

With Betsy

Hello! Playing along with Papertrey Ink’s Make It Monday!
It’s kinda hard to see Betsy’s technique  that I used on my card ,
I even blended red ink on top of my outline.
Couldn’t fined my white embossing powder so I used 
white pearl embossing powder.

 I tried many backgrounds and was not happy so I stuck 
with using this new split stamp, because I like it so much!

I have a space between my design and lots of white space 
on my cards.

The card above is stamped on white that I blended with green then stamped it.

I decided I had to have the splits stamp set, when I saw
 Ksenija Rizova create so many beautiful Christmas
 cards with it! You can see her beautiful cards  HERE

I am so happy I bought this set , not sure how I missed it, when it first came out. Ive seen many of you use it so beautifully.

Wow White Pearl embossing powder from Simon Says Stamp

Thank you!

You can find me on Instagram


  1. I love the effect on the red!! It looks so cool!! I also like the way you colored the stamps in for the white cards. Great design.

  2. These are lovely Marybeth! I like the variety of colors you're sharing with us too. Delightful cards, all three of them!!

  3. Gorgeous Marybeth! I have that set but haven't played with it yet. Your cards make me want to for sure.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sometimes you just need to try again--lol! Gorgeous use of 'white' space on all three of your cards Marybeth. That greenery is beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us at CASology this week!

  6. Beautiful in red and beautiful in white. You do that set proud. Love the GA berries. Gorgeous cards!

  7. Gorgeous set of cards. I love them all, but especially the last one. Something about the contrast, I think. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week.

  8. Beautiful cards, Marybeth! I love the clean design and your great use of the greenery!

  9. All 3 are just lovely Marybeth! I love the sparkle on the red one, and the last 2 are just CAS perfection! How did I miss that set too...maybe I better go add that to my cart now before the 15th!! Thanks for the beautiful inspiration NEVER disappoint!! :0)

  10. What a beautiful trio of cards today Marybeth! I too am loving the sparkle on the first one. They are all dashing!! ;0)

  11. Your cards are really beautiful! Love your MIM card, the colors are so rich and your shading adds depth - reminds me of velvet with silver threads creating a design.

  12. Marybeth, these are all so elegant and love the red, white & green. Your cards always look so crisp.

  13. Very pretty ! Love the red background on the first one.

  14. Oh I love this set too! So much fun to use! Your cards are just beautiful! I wouldn't have thought to stamp and emboss it on the red, but I do love it! The colored one with lots of white space it gorgeousness!!

  15. All gorgeous, Marybeth ... you saved my favorite for last!

  16. Beautiful cards Marybeth! I just added that Splits set to my wish list.

  17. Hard to pick a favourite, Marybeth, as they are all so lovely! I hadn't realized that Splits set could fill a whole card front, but after seeing your cards, I may have to add it to my next order :-) Popping over to check out Ksenija Rizova's blog now (always happy to see more lovely cards on line).

  18. Marybeth....what a beautiful collection of cards. I too missed this set but just love how you used it! Stunning!

  19. fabulous Marybeth! Love the white one especially!

  20. All three are so beautiful! I especially love your interpretation of white space.

  21. both of these cards! The split sentiments and gorgeous on both takes, and the outlining on your first card creates the feeling of suede or leather! Beautiful!!

  22. Absolutely gorgeous the way you used that "splits" die! Great coloring!

  23. What a gorgeous trio, Marybeth ... they're all my favourites! The first because the added shading makes it seem all soft and quilted and cosy, the second and third because of all that glorious white space with the pops of colour! Simply splendid! Hugs, Anita :)

  24. Oh what lovely cards! So clean and festive!

  25. A trio of beauties, with my favourite also being the last one, but honestly Marybeth, they are all beautiful, and certainly a stunningly seasonal way to celebrate space! So glad you joined us at CASology this week! Such a treat!

  26. Beautiful cards, Marybeth! Somehow this stamp didn't catch my eye when released but I am feeling the need to buy it now. The third card is my favorite - so fresh & light feeling. I'm so glad you shared this with us at CASology this week!

  27. I love the red... and LOVE the white version too! ( Especially the last one :D )
    Absolutely fabulous cards Marybeth!
    Thank you so much for joining CASology this week!

  28. Gorgeous, gorgeous and gorgeous! You've created a trio of magic with this set! Adding it to my wish list!

  29. Dear Marybeth, thank you so much for shout out. Your cards are amazing and inspiring for me too ;) Hugs, - Sweet Kobylkin


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