
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Snowflakes and Poinsettias

Hi friends! I know I have kinda been missing from crafting.
Inured my hand, on the mend now :) 
Trying to get back in the swing of things.
   I will start with this card forMake it Monday with Papertrey Ink .  

Melissa Phillips is asking us to use  our word dies.

I took out my Tipped Top dies along with Poinsettia & Pine Kit , Tinsel & Tags Kit
 and Wet Paint dies to make this card. I already had the snowflakes made a while ago. 

Thank you so much for stopping by. 
God Bless !


  1. This is BEAUTIFUL, Mary Beth! I LOVE your color combo & the way you used your dies! It just draws your eye in! SUPER JOB & INKY HUGS for your visit! ;)

  2. This is incredible;e Marybeth, just beautiful! The poinsettia on the tag is amazing! Hope your hand is better soon XO

  3. This is so lovely Marybeth! The soft colors and bit of sparkle are perfect. I hope your hand is healed soon. (hugs)

  4. This is simply beautiful Mary Beth. I love the softness of the colours you have selected and your pattern paper is absolutely perfect with this. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Cheers.

  5. Gorgeous card and so festive! Love it!

  6. This is SOOOOO pretty Marybeth...LOVE the soft colors! Your tag is GORGEOUS too...HAD to have that kit and I have not even opened it yet...grrr! Lovely, lovely card and so glad to hear your hand is on the mend! Have a wonderful weekend!! Hugs.

  7. Love the sparkles, colors...everything about it. Beautifully done!

  8. Very pretty, Marybeth! Love your design.

  9. So pretty, Marybeth ... the soft colours are so fresh and fabulous ... and brilliant with the frosty sparkle! Hugs, Anita :)

  10. Lovely soft colors and delicate die-cuts, Marybeth! Nice to have you back and happy you are on the mend with your hand injury. :)

  11. Beautiful! I've always loved the paper pack from Tinsel & Tags which compliments your tag perfectly!


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I love it when you do!
Take care.