
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Watercolored Fall Birthday Card

Hi Friends . We are doing lots of praying here in California. So many fires all over and burning some of the most beautiful mountains, trees. town and homes. God bless all our firefighters, first responder and many that lost so much.

 I couldn't wait to use the new products from The Greetery , the sentiment is a favorite of mine and the leaves are new, all linked below. I water colored the leaves . 

I hope you are safe where you are. Our Skys have been  brown/orange for so many days now. Today is the first day of blue skies(winds), grateful for that. 

We took the picture with mask on to remember 2020

I posted on my  Instagram  a few days ago. We were blessed to be in Yosemite for a few days to greet our son who just finished  solo walking the John Muir Trail ( over 240 miles) He ended with summit of Mount Whitley. So grateful he finished before the next big fire that started as we left. All so very heartbreaking. 

Simon Says: Use Your Favorite Stamp


  1. A beautiful card and a beautiful photo of you with your son! Many prayers for all of those in California XO

  2. You and Betsy create the best cards together! I'm glad you could meet your son at Yosemite. We're praying for relief for our west coast. Smoke and wind mostly near me but just east several towns evacuated, more destroyed along popular mountain passes, and today news of a 12 year old boy and his grandmother dying with his mother in critical condition. So many breathing the smoke and looking at red skies. Stay safe friend.

  3. Rich and so stylish, Marybeth ... those lovely autumn colours really pop off the texture-y white! Great photo ... I can see the smiles despite the masks! Joining you in prayer, my friend ... stay safe ... and God bless you. Hugs, Anita :)

  4. Cute card! I am planning on playing with those leaves soon. More important - glad to hear your son w as able to accomplish his goal and to hear that you are okay!!

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