
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

ColurQChallenge # 56

Do you think of apple pie this time of year? I know I do.
My husband has been having many stressful days at work.
I decided to surprise him and make him his favorite
apple pie with crumb topping. I even made my own crust!
 He walked in from work and said ohhh it smells so good in here! 
This is what he saw

 I burnt my arm( I am fine) and dropped the pie as I was taking it out of the oven. 
It didn't help that I was also on the phone. 
I calmly grabed the phone took a picture and decided to share it!
Many friends offered to come over and eat it off the oven door. 

 When I saw these gorgeous colors I knew I had to play at colourQ . To make my Autumn Hills I placed 3 papers together, ripped them , then spread them apart a bit .  I hand cut the house and that was pretty much it. 

The sentiment is meant for all of you!

Stamps: Papertrey Ink Autumn Hills Stamp Set
 Paper : Papertrey Ink


  1. Absolutely beautiful ~ I love how you chose to accent the colors. It looks like most of the apple pie stayed in the dish, I am also willing to taste test for you!

  2. Oh man! You did such a sweet thing....sorry it turned out this way:) By the looks of it..there's plenty there you could salvage and eat;) Love your card!!

  3. Marybeth such a wonderful thing you did for your husband and I am so sorry that happened. Glad you are okay, I am the queen of burning myself in my house! Your card however, is smokin', those images and colours are fabulous! Thank you so much for joining us this week at the colourQ!

  4. Oooooh Marybeth I'm so sorry your pie spilled.I'll bet your husband gave you a big hug....then grabbed a fork and beat a path to that oven LOL!!!

    Love this warm and cozy autumn card. And you HAND cut your house!!??!! I thought it was die cut, great job!

  5. Now that I know you're okay...HAHAHAHA! I love that...he said "it smells wonderful in here" and this is what he saw...LOL! I would still eat it :) Did he? I just love how you used these deep fall colors on your card, they are gorgeous, and I love the you ripped them for texture, too!

  6. Marybeth! I am glad you are okay. Sorry that happened with your pie, I know it is a lot of work making your own pie filling and crust but it is worth it! Great card, I love that house!!

  7. So sorry about your pie. I know how much work must have gone into it. Well, at least the house smelled nice, and it looks like a lot of pie could be salvaged. Your card is really wonderful--such a great use of colors and of that stamp set. I love how you ripped the papers for those layers.

  8. Beautiful card, Marybeth, you used the set I love again! so sorry about your pie. I had that happen with a homemade pizza. I had a group of friends over for card making, most of them worked and were coming from their jobs so I made a pizza. I took it out of the oven and it slid off the pan, but did not quite make it to the floor. We did eat it and laughed about it. I think I would have scooped your pie up, put it in a dish and called it cobbler! so Sorry about your arm, hope you are feeling better. Thanks for sharing your card and story with us at the colourQ this week.

  9. Sorry to here about your accident Im Sure the pie still tasted good even if you did drop it.
    Pretty card love the hills great idea and the colours are fab x

  10. Oh no!! What a bummer about the pie...and even worse about your arm. Hopefully it wasn't too painful....the arm....and busting up the pie :( I'd eat it anyway too - LOL And what a pretty fall card!

  11. First of all, your card: love it, pinned it! So fantastic!!!

    Second, please, I haven't read the other comments yet, but you've taken me down memory lane. Mine was lemon meringue - merinque! - upside down on the floor where I was trying to get out of my apartment to go deliver it to a sick friend. Made me sick, I'll tell ya.

    If your hubs is like mine, HE would have licked it off the oven door - there would be none for friends!!

    Thanks for sharing!!

  12. Awesome card! I like those colorful hills.
    I burn myself all the time. Luckily for me I don't seem to drop my cookings. Your pie still looks yummy!Hope your burn heals smoothly.

  13. Yumm, please save some for me too. LOL! I hope you didn't get too burned. Thanks for your kind comments Marybeth. Yes I use only SU products always so I do have quite a collection. LOL! Have a good day and thanks again. Hugs, Bev and oh I will be over for pie and coffee later. Tee Hee!

  14. Oh Marybeth I hope your arm has stopped hurting. How disappointing to drop the pie, especially when you went the whole hog and made your own crust! I love the autumnal colours in this card and thanks for the sweet sentiment.I loved you ghost tag too. Great fun!

  15. very pretty card, love the hills idea...and thank you for the sentiments :)

  16. Oh MaryBeth...I can imagine how you felt...first your card is so pretty, love the layered rolling hills and I just have to say...I bet that apple pie (turned into apple crisp) tasted delicious.

  17. Oh my word! Your card is beautiful, Marybeth. I've been trying to think of what to do with these colors almost all week and keep coming up blank! You did a fabulous job with the colors.

    And, okay. My husband would probably be one of the ones coming over to eat that pie off your oven door, too! He adores pie. I'm so sorry it ended up like that - it looks like it was a masterpiece!

  18. I don't know how you kept your cool and took a photo of that pie. Bet your sweetie still had a bite too! Glad you are ok!! Love the layers of ripped edges on the border of your card - it ads a really warm feel to it - perfect with the theme!

  19. Beautiful card, Marybeth! Love the colors and all the layers! So sorry about the pie!! But I'm sure it still tasted good! Have a great weekend! Hugs

  20. Marybeth, those colorful torn "hills" are beautiful! This is such a lovely fall card and a great use of the challenge colors. Sorry to hear you burned your arm and dropped your pie, but I bet what was left was delicious!

  21. Congratulations on being a top mouse for your card this week , you certainly deserved it your card is fab x

  22. Oh, Marybeth!!
    You have my kind of days!! :)
    I hope your arm is much better now...
    and just the thought alone should make your husband feel so loved! :)
    You're so sweet to think of him like that! :)
    And what a beautiful card...
    love the "torn" hills...

  23. Oh what a shame about the pie. It still looked good.
    Your card is so cute. Love how you created the hill.

  24. That's a bummer about the pie. I'm glad to hear you're okay. Your card is amazing! I love how you used this week's colors. Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ.

  25. OH NO!!! I have a picture of a "failed" cake I made once...I am glad there were no serious injuries!!! It looks delicious despite the drop! And so does your card...I love it's sweet "fall-ness"!! Thanks for playing with the CQC colors this week!

  26. Gorgeous scene you created Marybeth, I love those colourful hills and trees.
    What a shame you dropped your apple pie, I do hope your arm isn't too sore!

  27. You are hilarious, and I so LOVE that you thought to take a picture of it!!! One of my all time favorite photos is the one I took of my kitchen floor with my potty training son in the background after he pooped on it (sorry for being graphic here!!) Seeing that now just cracks me up, especially knowing I don't have to clean it up : )

    Way to go on the colors for this challenge ... love the hills you tore and the trees around your house. Very pleasing scene!

  28. I love the torn card stock! Such a great base for the clever stamping! I think this is a difficult color combo but you got outstanding results with it.

    Thanks for your sweet and encouraging comments, I always look forward to haring from you!

  29. Great fall card Marybeth! But so love your pie!! I so have done that with food before!! Glad to hear you are well! Hope the pie was yummy!!!


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