
Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 12 Kits of Christmas

Welcome to the September 12 Kits of Christmas. 
 If this is your first time visiting  my blog 
Please click here HERE for more info about our group.
Kara is the host for this month and below is the wonderful kit she sent us
This is what we call Happy Mail!
Thank you so much Kara!

Thank you Sharron for the  photo !

A Merry Christmas

Sparkly Holiday

Christmas Notebook

As you can see Kara sent us a wonderful kit. In this kit Kara sent the makings of a Christmas Notebook Planner from Papertrey Ink I had never seen these
 and had so much fun making mine. I think I will  make some more.  My first card just fell into place and I like the way it turned out, hope you did too. The second card I
 have to admit I kept ruining the supplies and ended up adding a leftover snow die 
from the kit I sent out. I have a few leftover items and will make something after I see what everyone else came up with. I  will keep this short so you will have time to see what 
the other girls made with the same kit.  
Thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. What a wonderful job you did. I love how you did that first card--I think you were channelling Jeanne with that bow. Your second card is such fun--all those different patterned papers, and I just love how you made your holiday planner.

  2. Just so beautiful and your final card is just so stunning with that snow flurry. Your planner is just so festive and ready for the holiday's. That bow on your first card is amazing and I have to agree with Joyce you must be channeling Jeanne.

  3. Both cards and your planner are so lovely. LOVE all the interest on your first card, the chevrons and the bow. Those snowflakes and the patterned paper hills are fantastic. Love your planner hope you enjoy it.

  4. I just love the monthy kit post you gals do. Great job!!!

  5. Such gorgeous card!! I love love love the first one with the blues and the incredible bow!! So beautiful! Your planner turned out perfect with the placement of the bird!!

  6. Marybeth you did amazing with this kit...
    I LOVE the first card!
    And your planner is stunning!
    This kit was made for you! :)
    And I love our happy mail...
    always get so excite when they arrive! :)

  7. This was your month, girl! These cards are amazing!!! I have to get you to teach me how to make a full bow like the one on the first card, it is amazing! And the patterned "hills" in the second with the snowflakes are amazing! I love it all this month, Marybeth :)

  8. Love how you used the papers! Your first card is SO gorgeous--that bow is amazing! And the snow flurry and sparkles on the second card are so fun and festive. Adore all the elements you added to your planner. It turned out great!

  9. Marybeth, everything looks beautiful! You always do beautiful work on your fun kits!!

  10. I officially have to get that frostyville die now. Your beautiful card put me over the edge with your cute little notebook and I agree with Joyce, you were channeling Jeanne and her gorgeous bows. You made such great cards, plan to recreate that frostyville card as soon as I get that die!

  11. Wonderful cards!!! I love the holiday cards, I can't believe the holidays are creeping up on us. And the notebook is fantastic, too. Great projects you made with your kit!

  12. You've created lots of beautiful inspiration from Kara's kit, Marybeth! A+++

  13. Your chevron card is gorgeous! I'm going to check my goodies to see if I got some of that paper! Now let's go onto the frostyville border card.....STUNNER!'s incredible!

  14. Oooooh I think this should be named THE Marybeth kit! Wow did you rock both of your cards and the planner is divine! I need to give some of those a try too, great little gift idea.

  15. Marybeth - WOW Lady! I am just smitten with the first card. Love the blue and the cream! SO clean looking and just stunning! This is the one I WISH I made!!! Love how you used the different patterned papers on the second with the rolling hills and the your planner is beautiful. Love the gems!!

  16. Wow Marybeth, you are still on fire : ) Each of these are fantastic!

  17. Beautiful creations, Marybeth! Your cards and planner are all really lovely!
    Thank you for your sweet comments on my card xx

  18. Lovely cards! the bow on the first card is extraordinary! Cute planner. I have nbever made one either.

  19. These are all fabulous cards and your notebook is fun as well. It is funny to think that Christmas will be here before we know it! Love the candy cane paper card the best! Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  20. Adorable cards! The Holiday Planner is such a fun project. I love the images of the bird with the party hat!

    Have I ever mentioned how jealous I am that you twelve have this connection? : ) Many of you are the blogs I follow most. I love seeing what you share as group!

  21. Wow, Marybeth! So many gorgeous Christmas cards! Great work! Hugs

  22. Your projects are so beautiful, Marybeth! I've been swooning over the bold chevrons that keep popping up and may have to get my hands on some of that paper. :) The way you layered the papers on the second card is especially pretty! Great inspiration this month, as always!

  23. Lovely cards and notebook. ;-) Giving me a little more inspiration for another couple of inches closer to getting started - LOL. ;-) Great job on these.

  24. Marybeth, I LOVE what you've done with the birds! That paper is awesome (on your last project) and I was at a loss for what to do with the stamped bird. What an inspiration!

  25. Wow Marybeth! Where to start these are all wonderful! I do love your notebook so cute! The bird on the cover is great! Oh and the card you had issues with is my fave!!


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I love it when you do!
Take care.