
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Angels and Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge

Tuesday was Guardian Angel Day
October is also Down Syndrome Awareness Month
So I knew I would be making an angel card!

Kelly Schirmer is the designer of the fun sketch, this week.

Guardian Angel Day, you say? Well, if you believe in angels and that we each have one, then yesterday was your day to say Thanks….( It was too dark for a photo last night.) 

 This month is awareness month for Cancer and Down Syndrome. Some of you know that we have been blessed with a little Down  Syndrome ANGEL and her name is Delaney.  The day my daughter was going to take her home, my son in law told me the doctors thought she had Down Syndrome. My daughter always knew she was blessed to have this child , and deep down so did the rest of us….. but it was still very difficult to accept.  I was so blessed that I was led to a site( maybe by my Guardian Angel) Band Of Angels It  talked about all the things your child CAN do, and celebrated life with DS ( I told my 19 year old son, at that time, that DS children can do things that he cant even do….. he asked what ….. I said make their bed!!! )  Its was such a positive site.  The owner spoke with me on the phone many times.  I wish every new parent, that was just told their child has Down Syndrome would know to go to Band Of Angel Some sites can be so scary.  That is why I chose to make an Angel card!  

I feel like all  children are angels. When I taught second grade religious class for over 16 years I knew they were all angels even if some of the parents thought differently:)  They just wanted to learn and be good. Too bad they grow up... Smile


Stamps: WaltzingmouseEarth Angel stamp set
Paper: Papertrey Ink Rustic Cream , Vintage Cream, and My Minds Eye
Craft store embellishments.


  1. This is such a sweet card, and a really heartwarming post. I know your little angel will love this card, and she will know how much she is loved and appreciated.

  2. Oh Marybeth I just love this post. It brought a tear, a smile and a chuckle. I DO believe we all have a guardian angel and have been through a couple of experiences that set that in concrete.

    I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE when you use this darling angel. And I am head over heals with the way you've fancied her up today. BEAUTIFUL!

  3. I love your positive story! The card is lovely, her lace dress is gorgeous!

  4. I gasped out loud when I saw this, Marybeth! You know how much I love this set, and then to hear your story just brought tears of happiness to my eyes! LOVE her sweet lacy dress and the lovely soft neutrals. What an inspiring post! THANK you!!

  5. Oh Marybeth, what a beautiful card and tribute to your sweet Delaney. I absolutely believe in guardian angels and I am certain one was guiding you the day you found that website. I love your card with the beautiful lace on the angels dress. Beautifu card.

  6. I read an article a long time ago that said that maybe the DS children were what God intended as perfect! They are so loving and trusting. It makes me wonder? I know you enjoy your blessing. And I love how you dressed your angel in lace! How lovely! I'm sure your guardian angel is smiling.

  7. WOW! Your card is breath taking. Love the elements of the card, especially the bit of lace draped around the angel.
    Thanks for sharing about your grandchild.

  8. Well Marybeth you know how I feel about all special needs children...
    they are perfection.
    Maybe not in the eyes of society...
    but in God's eyes...
    and what is most important?
    I know my Hunter is a gift...
    an incredible piece of heaven on earth...
    and the reason I KNOW there's a God...
    she's proof.
    So I love the way you celebrate Delaney...can you imagine the fun our girls would have together?
    And Earth Angel is perfect to celebrate this month for her...
    and what a truly gorgeous take on the sketch!
    Love it!! :)

  9. Ok I have dried my eyes so I can comment. Your beautiful angel card is pure perfection in both its design and it's meaning. As you know I taught high school for 18 years and the last 5 years in Special Education. Teaching children with DS and other special needs were the most rewarding of my whole career! Hugs to Delaney.

  10. Oh, Marybeth, this is just the sweetest card! And thank you so much for sharing your story about Delaney. The angel set is so perfect for your card. Love her lace dress.

  11. This is one amazing card. The design is wonderful and your angel is the prettiest!! Lovely card and I love the story as well.

  12. This is so beautiful and elegant
    DIANA L.

  13. Such a sweet sweet card Marybeth...and an equally lovely post. Very uplifting. Thank you so much.

  14. Oh my Marybeth, what a beautiful card and posts. Yes children are angels and gifts of God. I love her lace dress and all the pearls. Thanks for commenting on my Ex Libris Card that is actually a stamp from SU that I inked up and stamped. It looks like DSP but it isn't. Thanks again and have a blessed day. Hugs, Bev

  15. Oh Marybeth, you brought tears in my eyes... I do believe in angels and your sweet Delaney is a great gift of God. Thank you for sharing! Your card is just beautiful! Love it! Hugs

  16. Absolutely beautiful. The soft colours, the pretty image and wonderful sentiment. All just fab!

  17. Beautiful post Marybeth, beautiful card. I love your white angel and the meaning it has for you! Have a wonderful day and thanks for posting a story of awareness!

  18. Bless your heart, Marybeth. ;-) This post made me smile, and cry. I read a recent statistic about how many babies in a certain foreign country are aborted when they appear to have Down's Syndrome in the womb. What can they possibly be thinking?! It made me cry.

    Anyway. You touched my heart on this one. You're right about children - they are angels. And you're right - they are until they become adults! LOL Some of them, anyway.

    Your card is beautiful. Just beautiful. ;-)

  19. I just bought this set and never used it - I thought I'd seen it done so many ways I was trying to think of something more original. Looks like you had no trouble there! Love that you dressed her up in the lace and didn't color her in. This is totally original (again!!) and looks spectacular! All that white is so elegant and dramatic - I've never seen Earth angel like this before!

  20. Beautiful card..white, pearls.I love everything about it :)

  21. Oh Marybeth, this is gorgeous! And the story behind it makes it even more gorgeous :) I love her little lace dress and the cool dies you used behind her. It sounds like that site you found was the perfect thing...I love your comment to your son about the bed :)

  22. LOVE LOVE it very much!!!!! So sweet. love from Holland.

  23. Now that is a great way to use the sketch, I love the detail on the garland and the lace dress overlay, WOW!! Well done and thanks for playing along with the Mischief Makers this week!

  24. Marybeth! OMGoodness!!!! This is perfection! LOVE,LOVE,LOVE it!!!! Thanks for sharing this with us at WMSC! :)

  25. They are all angels, for sure! Your post was so touching, Marybeth, and your card is perfect. I am in awe of all the perfectly placed bling and the soothing feeling of all the cream colors.

  26. What a wonderful post Marybeth! Thanks for sharing Delaney with us! I am going to bookmark that site. I have a few kids that have Downs. I hope I can share it with some of my families I work with. Oh and awesome card! I love the angel!

  27. Marybeth your card is beautiful and matches your soul! Your beautiful words brought tears to my eyes! And all special needs children bring so much joy and spiritual light amidst the challenges. I have two nephews with autism and they are both so wonderful and special! Thanks for sharing the site info too! Blessings my dear!!!

  28. Love your post, Marybeth, and hope someone will find this site just like you did in their time of need. We have an angel living next door to us too, she is the sweetest child ever (I think!) We're doing a benefit walk for her this weekend (she has a rare form of epilepsy) and I'm hoping for some nice weather!

    Love the lace you used on your card too, great touch!


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Take care.