Melissa shared some darling cards adding layers to wreaths.
I kept is simple as its a sympathy card for a dear friend.
Some of you may know from my Instagram : that our son-in-law was shot three times in Vegas
shielding our daughter from harm.
He is doing much better now, two of the bullets have to stay in his leg as it is too dangerous to remove them one in the bone.
They are home and we are all beyond grateful to have them both alive . They are surrounded by so many people even those around the world that have sent prayers and love. Below is a note that my daughter posted to try and say thanks.
Please keep everyone that was at the event, in your prayers .
I thank you all as well.

We hope this post reaches everyone who has prayed and thought of us at this time. This is so hard for me to even write! The love and support we have received is so overwhelming (in the best way), that I can't go online or read the wonderful post people are sending our way! Tom and I are so very fortunate to be back home and be with our family and friends. To be honest we feel so guilty that we have so many people wanting to help us. Sunday night was the worst thing we have ever experienced. But Sunday night was also the most incredible night we have ever experienced too! We had so many things and people that were perfectly in placed they all saved our lives. Most of the amazing people that helped Sunday night you will never hear of. We can't stress enough about the amount of good that was all around us that Sunday night! To the amazing people in the crowd that told us to run in the right direction, the Las Vegas Metro Police that made cover and put tourniquets on my husbands gun shot wounds during the gun fire, Nevada for making sure their Las Vegas Metro Police has the best equipment, the guy in the red truck that backed into gun fire to get us in his truck and got us to the hospital before the hospital even knew what had happened, Desert Springs Hospital for having the best staff that went above and beyond and saved countless lives, the professionals that rushed to the hospital and people at the concert who helped out complete strangers, Gabriel Fuentes for getting to the hospital before it was on lock down and never leaving our side which saved me in more ways than he will ever know, my dad, sister and brother who rushed to be by our sides and never left, my mom, Nancy, Jose, Scott and Nicola who all took care of our children and had to break the bad news to them, Kim and Scott for holding the fort down at home, the Las Vegas Metro Detectives, the FBI agents who are still checking in on us, San Manuel Tribe and San Manuel Fire Department who are still going above and beyond to make sure we have everything we need. Everyone is asking us what they can do to help. Tom and I ask that everyone thank their local police and the Las Vegas Metro Police of Nevada, the doctors and nurses, to pray for all the victims and their families and all those involved. We can't stress enough how grateful we are for everyones prayer's and help. It has made a tremendous help towards our recovery. And of course I have to thank the man who has already giving me everything I have ever wanted. Thomas O'Malley my husband saved my life Sunday night by shielding me from gunfire and after being shot 3 times got me to safety. He did the only thing that mattered and that was to get me home to hug my children again!